A woman named Kiran Gandhi just did the UNTHINKABLE. The 26 year old Harvard Business School grad who also played drums for singer M.I.A. and Thievery Corporation, decided to run the London Marathon without a tampon. Gandhi let her blood flow freely to raise awareness about women who have no access to feminine products and to encourage women to not be embarrassed about their periods.
"I ran the whole marathon with my period blood running down my legs," the 26-year-old wrote of the April race on her website. She claimed that she got her period the night before the big race and thought that a tampon would be uncomfortable while she ran. But that isn't the only reason she decided to let it flow.
"I ran with blood dripping down my legs for sisters who don't have access to tampons and sisters who, despite cramping and pain, hide it away and pretend like it doesn't exist."
That's new, what do you think guys ???
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