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Hushpuppi's lawyer believes his client was kidnapped by the FBI without any "legal process to do so"

Hushpuppi's lawyer Gal Pizzetsky said that his client was kidnapped from dubai without any legal process in an interview with BBC, July 10.

"In my opinion, the FBI and the government here acted illegally when they kidnapped him from Dubai without any legal process to do so," Mr Pissetzky told BBC.

When asked on his opinion on Hushpuppi's extradition, he said;

"There was no extradition, there were no legal steps taken, there were no court documents filed, it was simply a call to the FBI. He is not a citizen of the United States, the US had absolutely no authority to take him."

"If Dubai wanted to expel him, they should have expelled him back to Nigeria. I've never heard of anything like that. That is the real story here," said Gal Pizzetsky.


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