The actual make up artist backlash against contouring has started.
I have a deep hatred for it. I am fed up of seeing girls plastered in thick make up looking as if they have streak of actual dirt on their cheeks. 'Trying' to contour is not the same as mastering it. Believe me, I am all for adding a spot of a darker edge to my cheekbones to get the 'Kate Moss haven't eaten in a week' look but all too often, its done badly and too heavy.
I am about enhancing stuff rather then hiding.
Seems I am not alone.
It is all I can do to keep myself from rolling my eyes when someone asks for contour. I know this means you have been looking at instagram and don't really know what you are looking for. I am not alone. I know that myself and other MUAs have been talking about contour like its the antichrist for a while now. In fact, if you want to get MUAs talking then throw out the word contour and watch those eyes roll and the chatter start.
Terry Barber from MAC cosmetics was one of the first MUAs to complain about the trend stating that it doesn't work. He spoke out at London Fashion Week claiming that youtube videos on the trend do not work.
Now Bobbi Brown has added to the counter contour. Speaking out at a conference in New York, Brown stated that she doesn't believe in contouring as it tells women there is a problem with their faces when there is not. AMEN SISTER. She also used the word car wreck.
"It's not what I believe in. It says that there’s something wrong with your face as is and there is nothing wrong with it. Contouring is good when you’re on stage, at a fashion shoot or on the runway. It’s almost like a car wreck when you’re watching people do contouring on YouTube. Yes, they have changed their face but they don’t really look so good. I think it’s ridiculous and people look like they have dirt on their face."
Thank the lord.
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