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Elle Magazine

I used to have a subscription to Elle and then at one point, I just didn't renew. I really find that I don't read magazines too often because I simply just don't have time! I only have one subscription and that is to Town and Country. It literally takes me a good week or two to even get through that because magazine reading sadly falls to the lowest levels of my priority list. 

Well, I've recently read some Elle articles online that I just love and have to share. 

The first is by Ruthie Friedlander, Deputy Web Editor. She writes about her experience of staying at the Plaza Hotel during fashion week-- getting the full Eloise experience. I loved her recap almost as much as I love Eloise... almost. 

The second article is Justine Harman's hilarious thoughts about social media.... but they're true, too. 

I've been paying attention to interior design recently and this article in Elle Decor was a quick but informative read. I can totally relate to #10. I have white bedding and let me tell you, it prohibits wine drinking and chocolate eating in bed... oh and you always have to make sure all of your make up is off, too. 
And lastly, super chic editor, Meghan Cahn's winter white look. Hopefully soon enough, we'll all be able to ditch the coat and booties, though. 

Do you have a magazine that you have been reading recently? Have a fabulous day!

all photos via Elle.com

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