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Once a prep, always a prep

So in the true preppy fashion, I'd thought I'd post pictures of my family in their preppiest attire...Because we all know: once a preppy, always a preppy.. enjoy!

Like Father, Like son. My grandpa sporting the classic khakis with a pink polo and a blue v-neck Lacoste sweater. My dad with classic boat shoes, khaki shorts, and a tartan RL polo.

Men in polo shirts. My two uncles, and my dad in the pink!

My uncle, dad, and mom in Florida! I wish my mom still had that dress, it would totally be mine now!

This is 3 years ago but my one of my many senior pictures! I am so sad, the bow on this headband came off.. I miss it!
Sister cCm, and dad in D.C.

Me Freshman year of high school. When it was "cool" to wear two polos at once.

cCm and mom outdoor ice skating. cCm was the cutest child ever.
At the country club children's Christmas party...This was before cCm was born!
Mother, aunt, dad, and uncle. Love the polos for golfing! This was most definitely before I was born.

I so wish I could share more with you all, but that's all of the "old" photos we have scanned into our computer. These were of course before we had digital cameras. I encourage you all to do a post of your "old" family photos in your preppy garb!
Have a fabulous day!

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