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Review: Avon Little Sequin Dress Eau de Parfum

I already have a few of Avon Little Dress fragrances and I have a review here. This is a range that features simple square bottles with variety of scents. There's something sophisticated, classic, fresher, ultra sweet and now something spring sweet. With the addition of Avon Little Sequin Dress you'll get something for those of you that like sweet fruits on sweet woody base with a hint of florals. 

The bottle is a transparent square glass with transparent plastic top. Details are gold. In the back of the bottle is a design of sequins to represent its name. Spray pump works well. It comes in a paper box with a light pink design and silver sequins.

It's eau de parfum and in it is 50 ml of product. Regular price is 26€. Currently it's on offer for 20.50€ (Slovenia).

Avon describes this fragrance as a blend of mandarin, mango (top notes), gardenia, tropical flowers (middle notes), sensual musk and essence of the gold amber (Base notes). Fragrantica also listed sandalwood as one of the base notes. 

The first splash of this fragrance gives you a very sweet fruity punch. I definitely smell mandarin and a lot of mango sweetness. Second after the first splash you get that floral note, which quickly turns into a more tropical scent like a mix of tropical fruit and flowers. After a while the fragrance turns into a sweeter woody one that really brings out all the classic base notes that I usually love so much in other fragrances. 

If I had to describe it, I'd say that this it's a sweet tropical fruity floral fragrance. The base is quite sweet, but most of the time you get that strong scent of mango and hints of florals. 

This scent starts off really strong, to the point where it's almost a bit too strong for my liking. It quickly fades away to a more subtle scent, but it's definitely not as long lasting on me as some other Avon fragrances. 

If you like tropical scents of really sweet tropic fruits mixed with hints of florals, you'll definitely love this one. To me this is perfect fragrance to wear as the weather transitions from spring to summer. There's that floral note that's so commonly used for spring fragrances mixed with sweet tropical fruits that remind you of summer holidays. Combination of both gives you a quite strong scent which fades through the day fairly quick. It's a fairly basic sweet tropical fruity floral scent that sweet lovers will appreciate. 

*Product was sent to me. 

Že imam nekaj dišav iz Avonove linije Little Dress in ocene teh si lahko preberete tukaj. Gre za linijo dišav s preprostim kvadratnim dizjanom in večjim naborov vonjev. V liniji se najde nekaj bolj sofisticiranega, klasičnega, svežega, zelo sladkega in zdaj še nekaj bolj spomladansko sladkega. Z dodatkom nove Avon Little Sequin Dress je Avon dodal nekaj za vse, ki iščete sladko sadno dišavo z lesno sladko podlago in dodatkom ščepca cvetlic.

Steklenička je prozorna in ima obliko kvadrata. Pokrov je prozoren in plastičen. Detalji so v zlatih odtenkih. Na zadnji strani stekleničke je poslikava bleščic, ki predstavljajo ime dišave. Pumpica deluje v redu. Parfum dobite v škatlici, ki ima svetel roza dizajn s srebrnimi bleščicami.

Je parfumska voda in v steklenički se nahaja 50 ml izdelka. Redna cena parfuma je 26€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 20.50€ tukaj.

Avon opiše dišavo kot mešanico mandarine, manga (zgornje note), gardenije, tropskih rož (srednje note), senzualnega mošusa in esence zlatega jantarja (spodnje note). Fragrantica navaja še eno izmed spodnjih not in sicer sandalovino. 

Prvi val dišave takoj po nanosu je močan sadni vonj. Vsekakor se dobro čuti mandarina in veliko sladkobe manga. Nekaj sekund po prvem nanosu opazim rožnate note, ki dišavo spremenijo v mešanico tropskega sadja in tropskega cvetja. Čez čas dišava postane bolj lesno sladka s klasičnimi spodnjimi notami, ki so mi tako zelo všeč v drugih dišavah. 

Če bi morala opisati dišavo, bi rekla da je sladko tropsko sadno cvetlična dišava. Podlaga je precej sladka. Večino časa voham predvsem veliko manga s cvetličnim dodatkom. 

Takoj pa nanosu dišave je ta izredno močna, skoraj malo preveč za moj okus. Sicer dokaj hitro postane bolj nežna verzija. Na meni dišava ni dolgo obstojna, vsaj ne tako kot več drugih Avonovih dišav. 

Če imate radi tropske vonje z zelo sladkim tropskim sadjem zmešanim s cvetličnimi notami, potem vam bo ta dišava zagotovo všeč. Zame je to odlična dišava za prehod iz spomladanskega obdobja v poletno. Cvetlične note so pogosto uporabljene v spomladanskih dišavah. S sladko mešanico tropskega sadja me spomnijo na poletne počitnice. Kombinacija obojega se kaže v precej močni dišavi, ki pa čez dan dokaj hitro zbledi. Je klasičen sladko tropsko sadno cvetlični vonj, ki ga bodo občudovali vsi oboževalci sladkih dišav.

*Izdelek mi je bil poslan.

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