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Pittsburgh: 'This City is My City and I Love It'

I absolutely love cityscape photography. Luckily, Pittsburgh has one of the most incredible skylines in the world. I'm biased, I know! But once I cam across Emmanuel Panagiotakis Photography, I knew I had to share his stunning images. He truly captures Pittsburgh's beauty. These photos make me so proud to call this city my home. I pulled all of these photos from Emmanuel's Facebook page

Another reason I really wanted to share these photos is so you as a reader can get a better sense of where I live. According to Google Analytics, Pittsburgh is only a percentage of my readership and thought all of the non-Pittsburghers would like a little tour! You can also get a sense of where I am wearing all of these outfits from past posts, too, ha!

So what do you think of my city? Pretty stunning, huh? Ohhh I could write a book on how much I love this city! Have a fabulous day! 

all images via

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