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St Ermin's Secret Garden Dinners

After 4 and a half years in London I thought I had sussed out most places. Even if I hadn't been to them, I thought I at least new of most hot spot places to go. So when a little gem comes up that I'd never heard of and blows me away... well, it's a special occasion.

And that occasion happened last week when I went to St Ermin's Hotel in St James. I have to admit, I'd never heard of the hotel before, let alone knew what it was like inside. And well, I think a picture speaks a thousand words in this case.

If that isn't an entrance hall, I don't know what is.

St Ermin's hotel is a beautiful grade-II listed building in Westminster with a very cool past. In the 1930s, during the Second World War it became a meeting place for members of the secret service to discuss plans against the Germans.

I had gone to try their new spring menu, the Secret Garden Dinners in partnership with my old favourite, Laurent-Perrier.

The Secret Garden menu is a mix of two things. The opening of their roof garden, where they grew vegetables and herbs for the restaurant, and also the creation of a garden menu made with produce grown right upstairs.

Of course, every summer menu must have a glass of champagne or two on it, and you know me by now, I love Laurent-Perrier.

The special dinners are happening on the 20th May, 27th May, 3rd June, 10th June and all guests receive a glass of La Cuvee on arrival, where you can hang out on the balcony and pretend your a secret agent.... just me on that one?

Dress- Reiss // Shoes- Topshop

Up on the roof it's really cute. Literally a hidden garden nestled between the rooftops. The hotel aims to grow as much as they possible can onsite as the make it as fresh as possible. I mean, how much more fresh can you get than it being carried down a couple of flights of stairs to your plate?

The garden is open for guests to have a wonder through and nosey at whats coming up on the menu.

As well as trying to be efficient, they also aim to be creative too.

...and cute.

After realizing that maybe my thin stilettos weren't 100% appropriate I headed into the dining room for the tasting. Well the proof is in the pudding right?

The starter was cured sea bass, oysters and cucumber with herbs, fromage frais and asparagus. The sea bass was beautifully and the cucumber was really fresh and crisp. Knowing it had come from just upstairs also made it that little bit more enjoyable. This was paired with the deliciou Laurent-Perrier Ultra Brut which is a gorgeous strong and full champagne. 

The fish course came next and to my delight it was salmon and langoustine with courgette, tomato and beetroot dressing. I joked at the table that eating this made me realise the salmon I get from the canteen at work in a morning is defined not fresh! The knife just slipped right through and the zing of the beetroot was a combination I never thought to try before. Thia was paired with Laurent-Perrier Vintage 2006.

Next up was the boneless rack of lamb with baby carrots, wild mushrooms and broad beans. Being a Northerner this was heaven on a plate. You just can't beat a good peice of meat and gravy. I love lamb but never cook it at home as it is really tricky to get right and I always seem to make it go tough. But fear not this was the complete opposite. Extremely tender and made even more so by the gorgeous gravy. This course is paired with Laurent-Perrier Cuvée Rosé which is my absolute favourite champagne ever. Sweet but not sickly it's just the most drinkable and enjoyable drink you can get. Also it is perfect for summer picnic's which despite the cold weather currently, I'm determined to have soon.

Finally the dessert arrived. A aark chocolate shell with strawberry mousse and a Champagne and lychee foam. Basically a very upscale strawberries and champagne; again, this would be excellent at a picnic. It was light even not to tip me over the edge after all that food, but still indulgent enough for me to feel happy. Finally I had my last glass of Laurent-Perrier Demi Sec which is much sweeter than the others and is closer to what you might think of a dessert wine.

For a hotel is never heard of before, it really did blow me away. From the stunning interior's, to the gorgeous home grown dinner, I honestly can say I will return. I've heard they do an amazing afternoon tea too.

To book the secret garden dinners​, head to the Caxton Grill website

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