A little whimsy today as I look back on a few photos I took in London yesterday.
My daughter, Claire and I set out for an afternoon to the Tate Modern gallery.
Her first visit and I was only to happy to introduce her to it.
I wrote about our visit here.
As to the photographs...if you were alongside me, we would have...
Looked out to a view, standing inside the Tate....
We would have then moved to the outside terrace and discussed the beauty
of St Paul's Cathedral on the city skyline.
Exhausted by the collection at the Tate, we would have walked along the Thames,
looking back to catch the skyline lighting up for the evening.
Along the way, we would have remarked on the beauty of the twinkling blue lights above and
the little fine feathered fellow walking towards us.
We would have stopped, just to stare at the magnificence of the London Eye
and Big Ben popping up to greet us.
Lastly, before crossing the street to the train station we would have smiled
at the genius of Annie's Cafe on wheels where the food is "Freshly made just for you".
We would have then wondered about Annie, who she is, how she came about
to owning a cafe on wheels and where her travels take her day to day.
From there we would have caught the train out to
Surrey where a full house was waiting for us. :)
Well that was fun, I should take you along more often.
Where would you like to go next??
If you are feeling in the mood for a little artistic expression...you can join me here.
Best wishes for a very Happy New Year!!
May it be filled with peace, love and joy throughout the year!
Jeanne xx
May it be filled with peace, love and joy throughout the year!
Jeanne xx
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