March already. Hmm ! Think I might do a chart of the things I've
made each month and the books I have read.
Hmm! A creative year journal maybe.
(oh crikey I'm going off on one again)
Sticking with the knitting thing I've started a simple waistcoat
now after the success of the triangle shawls
When I say simple, I mean it looks simple but my head is not
wired for following patterns or anything that requires precision.
Fortunately the very nice ladies in our local wool shop are more than happy to help.
They looked at me in disbelief when I started scribbling and crossing out all over the
brand new pattern. Put it this way nobody will be asking to borrow it after me.
I am not doing the buttonie bits or the rib on the bottom and its being knitted
in garter stitch (knit every row) instead of stocking stitch (knit a row/purl a row).
The thing is I don't want to put myself off and end up throwing it in a
cupboard never to be seen again, so simple is best for now.
When I've conquered this I want to have a go at some fingerless mitts.
They look easy enough and it will allow me to be a bit more adventurous
with the stitches as there won't be much to pull back if I do it wrong.
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